Weight Stigma Awareness Week 2015

According to an on-line dictionary stigma is defined as “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality or person”.  Synonyms of stigma include shame, disgrace and dishonor.  Weight stigmatization is essentially shaming and blaming people about their body weight.

In efforts to promote awareness and ultimately prevention of weight bias in our culture, The Binge Eating Disorder Association sponsors a week long Weight Stigma Awareness Week annually in September.  This year’s theme, held September 21st through 25th, is “Bias and Bullying: Weight Stigma in Diverse Communities.”

Studies suggest that weight bias may actually INCREASE the likelihood of obesity, binge eating and staying obese.

Weight BiasWeight stigma is wide spread throughout our society including areas of employment, education and health/mental health care.  Studies indicate that weight stigma is on the rise in our society.  Weight stigma often is internalized by individuals which can lead to shame, hopelessness, isolation, etc.

A recent study published in Pediatric Obesity (July 2015) found that weight-based bullying is the most prevalent form of bullying in our youth.   This study found that more kids are being teased about their body weight than academic ability, physical/cognitive disables, sexual orientation, race & ethnicity or religion.  According to the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, the consequences of weight-based bullying increases our children’s risk for depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, poor body image, suicidal thoughts, poor academic performance and avoidance of health promoting behaviors.

According to the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, family members are one of the biggest sources of weight bias.  In one study of over 2,400 overweight and obese women, 62% of the study participants reported that on multiple occasions they had been stigmatized by their families because of their body weight.

The Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) has lots of great on-line events during Weight Stigma Awareness week including featured bloggers, social media events and tool kits.  To learn more click here.


Posted in Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Compulsive Overeating, Eating Disorder Prevention and Advocacy, Eating Disorders in Midlife, Uncategorized, Weight Regulation and tagged .