2017 year in review

2017 Year in Review

Wow! This year really flew by! Can you believe we’re already at the end of 2017?


I’ve covered a bunch of different topics on the blog this year. You can find them here, all in one place. Now, you can look back with me and see everything we covered with ease!  


If you’ve been reading for a while, you can revisit some past favorites or refresh your memory on any of the topics that speak to you. If you’re new here, this is a great place to get to know what I’m all about and become familiar with my style. My goal is to work collaboratively with clients to reduce food and weight preoccupation and teach clients to trust their bodies, rather than a diet, to know how to feed themselves.


First off, make sure you check out 5 reasons not to diet in 2017!

It’s relevant for every year, not just 2017. Since we’re heading into the season where everyone and their brother will be talking about their New Year’s Resolutions it’s good to have these facts in mind to support you in your choices.


Don’t suffer in silence!

The theme for National Eating Disorder Awareness week this year was “It’s Time to Talk About It.” Check out this post for the best place to get started on your journey.


Are you ready to break up with dieting?

Learn about what intuitive eating is, and the 10 basic principles that can help you get off the diet roller coaster for good.


There are a lot of questions you can ask yourself about your relationship with food.

Do you feel out of control with food? Is the good-bad food trap ruining your relationship with food? Are you an emotional eater?


Diet culture is everywhere these days.

It surrounds us on social media, on TV and in movies. It’s even present in the interactions we have with others. It’s important to understand that dieting is hazardous to your health. There are lots of myths and inaccuracies floating around that people use to justify diet culture and that lead to misunderstanding eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders don’t just affect teens- they are common in midlife, in people who suffer from anxiety disorders, and can even occur in people who are perfectionists.


There is hope.

Eating disorders are treatable, and there are resources available for people who are ready to ditch diet culture. It’s possible to like your body better without having to change it!


Let me know if there are any topics you’d like me to cover in 2018. Don’t forget to share your favorite posts with friends and family!

2017 year in review
Are you an emotional eater?

Are You an Emotional Eater?

We are emotional beings.


As we go through our day we experience a wide range of emotions. We feel sadness, excitement, fear, anger, happiness, and the list goes on. That’s normal. We experience emotion while we are going about our daily lives: at work, talking with friends, relaxing and of course while eating.


So, it is normal to experience some emotions while you eat. You may have an emotional response to the meal, to the food itself, or to something else that is going on in your day.

Does this make you an “emotional eater?”




Simply put, emotional eating is habitually eating in response to emotions (all kinds whether they’re happy feelings or distressing feelings) when not physically hungry.


You may be familiar with other habits people use to cope with uncomfortable feelings. These may include excessive spending of money or playing excessive amounts of video games, for example.


Thinking about, buying & preparing food, and eating food to cope with usually uncomfortable feelings is really the hallmark of emotional eating.


Emotional eating can be hard to figure out because we need food to survive! Furthermore, some health conditions and medications can cause an increase in appetite. Increased or decreased appetite is a symptom of depression.


Anyone who lives in Western society, unfortunately, is very familiar with all the mixed food messages we get in the media (for example, foods that we should and shouldn’t eat), which complicates it even further.


Emotional eating has nothing to do with being weak, unmotivated, or not having willpower.  Some of my clients are incredibly successful and determined folks. I know this may sound backward, but people who rely on food to get through stress are able to be successful because of their emotional eating.


How do I know if I am an emotional eater?


  1. “Emotional eater” is not a diagnosis per se.  But, it can be a part of an eating disorder. If you think that you have an eating disorder, please seek treatment immediately.


  1. It is normal to eat when experiencing emotions because we are emotional beings.


  1. Remember, emotional eating is eating in response to feelings that you think you can’t handle, so you turn to food to help you feel better.


  1. Emotional eating usually makes you feel good in the short-term but worse in the long-term.


  1. Emotional eating is problematic if it is one of the few (or only) coping skills that make you feel better.


  1. Emotional eating becomes problematic if it is pervasive and negatively affects your life. This includes your physical health, social life & relationships, and/or career or academics.


Some tips to reduce eating in response to emotions:


Often people try to diet or follow some sort of a meal plan to make the emotional eating go away.


This almost always backfires.


Remember, the food is used to cope with feelings, so the feelings need to be addressed, not the food itself.


  1. Notice your feelings. Right now, go ahead and try to identify a feeling that you may be having. Are you experiencing feelings of worry, hopefulness, anger, or contentment?


  1. As you go through your day, notice the ebb and flow of feelings.  Feelings come and go throughout out the day.


  1. Oftentimes, there is a body sensation connected to a feeling.  For example, when you feel worried, you may feel it in your stomach.


  1. Try not to judge your feelings. Often we deem our feelings to be either “good” or “bad”. Happiness, contentment, joy, and hope are often labeled as “good” emotions. Fear, anger, and jealousy are often identified as “bad” emotions. When we judge our feelings, we tend to focus on eliminating the negative and pursuing the positive.


“Negative” feelings are a normal part of life. Once we learn to accept this and tolerate them we don’t have to use food to cope.

  1. Now that you have named your feelings, you may be able to identify how it feels in your body. There are several ways to cope with intense feelings instead of using food.


Sit with your feelings. Try to accept that you are having an intense emotion and notice that it will pass.


If this feels too uncomfortable try these methods:


Distraction; which includes thinking or doing something else to not think about feelings. Distraction can include reading a book, listening to music or a podcast, watching TV, going out with or calling a friend or family member, or hobbies, to name a few. When choosing a method of distraction, consider using a method that is not harmful (such as excessive drinking, spending, etc.).


Work through your feelings by talking to a friend or family member, writing in a journal, or listening to music that may mirror the feelings you are feeling.


If you are reading this, then most likely you have been using food to cope with life for quite awhile. Often this habit is developed in childhood.  So, be patient with yourself.  It is going to take a lot of practice to cope with emotions without using food.


If you live in the Austin area, please call (512) 293-5770 for a free 15-minute phone call to see if my services are right for you.


This article is for informational purposes only.  It does not replace mental health or medical treatment if needed.

how to reduce eating in response to emotions


Are You an Emotional Eater?
all-or-nothing thinking could lead to disordered eating

Is the Good-Food-Bad-Food Trap Ruining your Relationship with Food?

I can’t eat that because it is bad for me” or “That is a good food, so I can eat that anytime I want” are examples of the “good-food-bad-food trap.” They are common statements among the general public, and particularly dieters.

The good-food-bad-food trap is just as it sounds—dividing foods into different categories deemed either good to eat or bad to eat. Dieting and public health campaigns really reinforce this all-or-nothing thinking with a series of rules about what we should and should not be eating. While the intention behind this notion is good, it is actually quite problematic in practice. 

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Dieting is a risk factor for an eating disorder.

Breaking-up with Dieting (For good.)

Starting a new diet can feel like starting a new romantic relationship—exciting, hopeful, and thrilling at first. Dieting promises that when the weight is lost, life will really begin.

The reality of dieting.

Just like a new relationship, starting a new diet usually feels really good. There is ease in following a new diet because you don’t have to feel preoccupied about what to eat.  While there is effort in planning meals, there is this sense of relief that goes along with it. This dieting euphoria can last for a while. Just like a new relationship, starting a new diet usually feels really good.Continue reading

anorexia nervosa

6 Myths About Anorexia Nervosa That You Need to Know

When you think of Anorexia Nervosa what often comes to mind is a young emaciated girl. These images are what we see in the popular media. Unfortunately, these images are misleading and confusing. Media images contribute to myths about anorexia nervosa and what it really is and “looks” like. Below there are several common myths debunked about the disorder

What is Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by an intense fear of being fat (or gaining weight) despite being at a low weight, having a low caloric intake which leads to weight loss or poor weight gain/growth in children and the inability to evaluate own body size and shape. Meaning the sufferer thinks their body is larger that it is.Continue reading

improving your body image

3 Steps to Liking Your Body Better (Without having to change it.)

I want to scream every time I see this advertisement: “Get your body ready for bathing suit season”.  This is a typical fitness & diet advertisement that plays over and over during the Summer months. Guess what? Your body is all ready for bathing suit season-no changes needed.  Don’t believe me? Keep reading!

What is body image?

Body image is a mental image of what we think we look like. Body image is not necessarily how we look, but how we think we look. It is dynamic. That is, body image is dependent on the situation or your mood. For example, you may have a more positive body image if you are out enjoying yourself on a nice hike. In contrast, you may have a poorer body image if you are anxious in a new social situation.  Your mood affects how you think about yourself.

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