Free Emotional Eating Group

Emotional eating

I know groups can be intimidating for lots of folks, but I think they can be very powerful too for change.

Groups can reduce feelings of shame, a common feeling people have with eating issues  Secrecy and avoidance breeds shame so talking about eating issues in a safe and confidential environment can be very therapeutic.  Groups can help to normalize problems, in other words, hearing from other folks that they have challenges too offers relief.  Synergy of a group is a  powerful tool-makes for good problem solving.

I often recommend support or therapy groups as an adjunct to individual treatment to my clients.  In outpatient and inpatient treatment centers group treatment is the standard.

This recently came to my attention and I wanted to pass it along…It looks like a great resource.

Emotional Eating Support Group

Do you find yourself turning to food to deal with difficult situations? Often people eat for reasons besides hunger, such as loneliness, boredom, anger, anxiety or depression. There may be occasions when people eat more than they plan to eat, and feel regret or guilt afterwards. Jewish Family Service offers a supportive, weekly group to help you identify triggers for emotional eating and increase your confidence to make changes. If you are interested in participating or want to find out more please click here.  



Mindfulness in Eating Disorder Recovery

mindfulness and eating disorders

When people hear the word mindfulness often what comes to mind is a person sitting cross-legged, with a far out look on their face repeating mantras with incense burning.  Some people may practice mindfulness in this way, but I think for most of us it can be a lot simpler than that.

In my last blog post A Case for Canning Your Diet I shared results of a recent study that showed that a non-dieting approach to eating and mindful eating can help reduce the symptoms of an eating disorder.  I discussed the non-dieting approach in A Case for Canning Your Diet and in this post I am going to discuss the second component of the study intervention–mindfulness.

What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness in it’s simplest form it is focusing attention on one thing.  Words that my be used as synonym for mindfulness include purposeful awareness, focus, concentration, sustained attention, presence, staying in the moment, observation and neutral observer. *

Why practice mindfulness? It increases the probability of new behaviors by creating and stabilizing new brain circuits.  Mindfulness can change your brain.  It helps us get freed from reactivity, habitual thoughts and negative habits.

How does mindfulness help with eating problems and/or eating disorders?

  • It reduces anxiety and stress (Often a trigger for overeating or disordered eating behaviors).
  • Mindfulness can improve mood (Again often a trigger.).
  • Allows for pause.  Helps to reduce impulsivity, often this can help us make a different and/or more positive choice.

Tips to practice mindful eating:

  • Eat distraction free as possible.  Often we are multitasking when we eat-on our devices, watching TV, driving, working or studying.
  • Before eating notice the colors, shapes, smells, etc. of the food on your plate.
  • Slow down when eating.  Chew your food several times.  Put your fork down on the plate between bites.
  • Notice how the food tastes in your mouth.  Ask yourself what you like about your meal and what you don’t like about your meal.
  • Every so often stop eating and take a few breaths and notice what is around you.

There is no wrong or right way to practice mindful eating and it is normal to get distracted or lost in your thoughts.  Part of the practice of mindfulness is noticing when you get off track and refocusing yourself .

What I have noticed in my personal experience with mindfulness is that it brings a lot more clarity and joy to my everyday life.  And, hey, who couldn’t use a little more of that?


*From the seminar “Mindfulness Strategies for Changing the Brain-Tools for Rewiring Depression, Anxiety & Toxic Lifestyle Habits”.  Presenter and author Donald Altman, MA, LPC.

A Case for Canning Your Diet


A recent study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion by Dr. Lynn A. Rossy and colleagues of the University of Missouri shows that a non-diet approach and mindfulness interventions to eating helped improve body appreciation, intuitive eating and reduced problematic eating behavior.  Problematic eating behavior was defined in the study as binge eating, purging or self-induced vomiting and/or food restriction.

In fact those who received the treatment were at least three times more likely to be free of disordered eating symptoms than the comparison group (wait listed).

I was so please to read this study, more evidence that a non-dieting approach to eating helps reduce the symptoms of eating disorders.  In contrast, traditional dieting can increase risk for developing an eating disorder or exacerbate an existing one.

Curious about a non-diet approach to eating?

A non-diet approach means:

  • Eating is flexible.
  • Challenging the belief that foods are either “good” or “bad” for you.
  • Food, weight and shape are PART of who you are, but not all of who you are.
  • Eating foods that you enjoy.
  • Relying on internal cues (hunger/fullness) on how much to eat vs. external cues (counting calories, diet, etc.)
  • Letting go of rigid rules around food.

While I discuss one component of the intervention, non-diet approach to eating, mindfulness was another very important part of the treatment.  Stay tuned for more information on mindfulness in my upcoming blog posts.

Read more about Dr. Rossy’s study.


Top Six Resources for Eating Disorders

eating disorder resources

I firmly believe in that knowledge can be a powerful tool in recovery.  Often people with eating disorders have feelings of shame, isolation and helpless. Learning about eating disorders can help cope with these feelings and dispel any myths around eating disorders.  Additionally, knowledge can help family members and friends of a loved with an eating disorder feel more equipped to support their recovery. Here are some of my favorite eating disorder resources: 1.  UT Austin Counseling Center has lots of information about eating disorders on their website in an easy to read question and answer format.   UT offers to its students individual counseling and medical treatment, groups and classes to those who struggle with eating disorders and other types of eating problems. 2. Austin Eating Disorder Specialists  is a group of multidisciplinary eating disorder treatment providers whose goal is to provided highest quality of treatment of eating disorders and disseminate information about eating disorders to the Austin community.  It is a great resource to find treatment providers including therapists, dietitians, doctors, groups and treatment centers in the Austin Area. 3. Austin Foundation for Eating Disorders  is a 100% volunteer based organization that provides resources, low cost/free support groups and tons of information about eating disorders. 4.  Gurze Books is a publisher of eating disorder books.  You will find all kinds of books and workbooks for those who struggle with and for those with loved ones with eating disorders and other eating problems. 5.  National Eating Disorder Association  (NEDA) not only has tons of information about eating disorders on their website, but also has resources for getting help, conferences that you can attend and ways to advocate for those with eating disorders.  It is a must read. 6.  Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) has lots of information on what is binge eating disorder is, how to cope and recover from it, information for families and loved ones, ways to advocate and how to register for their annual conference.

Today Kicks Off Eating Disorder Awareness Week

February 23rd through March 1st, 2014 is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.  The National Association of Eating Disorders (NEDA) sponsors a week long event to raise awareness of eating disorders.

This year’s theme is “I Had No Idea”.  Key points, taken directly from NEDA’s website, of this year’s awareness week include:

Eating disorders are serious illnesses, not lifestyle choices.

Eating disorders are complex illnesses that arise from a combination of long-standing behavioral, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, biological and social factors. As our natural body size and shape is largely determined by genetics, fighting our natural size and shape can lead to unhealthy dieting practices, poor body image and decreased self-esteem. Body dissatisfaction and thin ideal internalization are both significant risk factors for the development of eating disorder behaviors like restricting and binge eating. While eating disorders may begin with preoccupations with food and weight, they are about much more than food. Recent research has shown that genetic factors create vulnerabilities that place individuals at risk for acting on cultural pressures and using food to feel in control or manage overwhelming emotions.

In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, or other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED).


Education, early intervention, and access to care are critical.

Early diagnosis and intervention significantly enhance recovery. If not identified or treated in their early stages, eating disorders can become chronic, debilitating, and even life-threatening conditions. A review of nearly fifty years of research confirms that anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder . As a culture, it is time for all communities to talk about eating disorders, address their contributing factors, advocate for access to treatment and take action for early intervention. You can make a difference: do just one thing to initiate awareness, education and discussion about eating disorders in your community. If we all do something, we’ll have a tremendous impact!

Help is available, and recovery is possible.

While eating disorders are serious, potentially life-threatening illnesses, help is available and recovery is possible. It is important for those affected, and their loved ones, to remember that they are not alone in their struggle. Others have recovered and are now living healthy fulfilling lives. Let the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) be a part of your network of support. NEDA has information and resources available via our website and helpline:, NEDA Helpline: 800-931-2237.



Part 2: How an Eating Disorder (May Have) Saved Your Life

“Your eating disorder kept you a float when drowning,” Dr. Anita Johnston, author of Eating in the Light of the Moon.

In my last post I discussed that eating disorders can often be understood as a coping skill.  That is, the eating disorder may help one deal with the ups and downs of life.  Of course the problem with having an eating disorder as a coping skills is that it reeks havoc on ones health, personal life, occupation, etc.  I am not proposing that if you have an eating disorder that recovery should not be a goal.  However, I believe that seeing an eating disorder as a coping skill can help provide a framework to more effectively move through recovery.  How does your eating problems help you cope with life?

In Dr. Anita Johnston’s video “The Log” offers viewers a metaphor for the eating disorder that offers this perspective.